One on One Coaching
One on One – Ready to get serious about dating…then let’s dive right in! As “Your Love Angel,” I’ll get to know you , your dating patterns, and the type of person you’re looking for. Do you wonder why you haven’t found “the one?” Looking to clear bad dating habits that work against you? When it comes to online dating, you don’t have a clue, as to how to get their attention?! In four weeks' time, we’ll get downright honest, dirty and real! I will teach you how to find the right person for you, and stop going after all the wrong ones. At the end, you’ll have the confidence, knowledge, and dating etiquette, to find your "one and only." *Our “One on One” service includes 7 days of our Concierge - "Angel Call" service.
Angel Mock Dates – Ever been on a date and wondered what kind of an impression you made? You’re about to go on a live “date” with the Love Angel and get the answers you’re looking for. From beginning to end, we will interact as if it was a real date! Once the date is over, I’ll evaluate every detail of your “date character” from communication, appearance, body language and more. I’ll give you honest and constructive feedback to improve your dating persona. One of the most popular and invaluable Angel services, Mock dates are a great way to build character, get rid of the “first date jitters,” and learn date etiquette, leaving you calm, self-assured and ready for future dates.
Wing Angel – Let’s go out into the real world and let the “Love Angel” be the Angel on your shoulder. I’ll observe and coach you every step of the way as you interact in different single scenes, out in the real world. Ladies, let’s hit a Happy hour and practice eye catching flirting techniques. Gentlemen, let’s build the confidence to walk up to a beautiful lady and start a conversation. One of our most exciting services, this is live coaching in action! I may even step in and facilitate an introduction!